Waterfront (1944)

3/5 (1)

“Waterfront” is a crime drama film directed by Elia Kazan and released in 1954. The film is set in the gritty world of the New York City docks and follows the story of a young dockworker, Terry Malloy, who becomes embroiled in a web of corruption and violence.

Terry is a former boxer who works as a “longshoreman” on the waterfront. He is recruited by his brother, Charley, who is involved in a corrupt union led by the powerful Johnny Friendly. Terry unwittingly becomes involved in a murder plot orchestrated by Friendly, and begins to question his loyalty to his brother and the union.

As Terry falls in love with the sister of the murdered man and befriends a crusading priest who is trying to expose the corruption on the waterfront, he must choose between his loyalty to his brother and his desire for justice and redemption.

“Waterfront” is a powerful and gripping film that explores themes of loyalty, corruption, and redemption. It features stunning performances by Marlon Brando as Terry Malloy, Karl Malden as Father Barry, and Lee J. Cobb as Johnny Friendly. The film is notable for its realistic portrayal of the gritty world of the New York City docks and its searing indictment of corruption and violence. It has become a classic of American cinema and is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made.

Steve Sekely

Martin Mooney, Irwin Franklyn

John Carradine, J. Carrol Naish, Maris Wrixon

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