“The Pay Off” is a 1942 crime drama film directed by Arthur Dreifuss and starring Lee Tracy, Tom Brown, and Tina Thayer.
The movie follows the story of Jim Hanvey (Lee Tracy), a tough private investigator who is hired by a wealthy businessman to recover some stolen jewels. Jim’s investigation leads him to a nightclub owned by a ruthless gangster named Nick Ferraro (Jack La Rue).
As Jim tries to gather evidence against Ferraro, he becomes entangled in a web of corruption, deceit, and violence. He also finds himself drawn to Ferraro’s attractive girlfriend, Kay Curtis (Tina Thayer), who may hold the key to solving the case.
The film features suspenseful chase scenes, shootouts, and a gripping finale as Jim races to expose Ferraro’s criminal activities and bring him to justice.
Overall, “The Pay Off” is a thrilling crime drama that showcases Lee Tracy’s talents as a tough-talking, no-nonsense private eye. The film is notable for its fast-paced action, sharp dialogue, and gritty portrayal of the criminal underworld.
Arthur Dreifuss
Edward Dein, Arthur Hoerl
Lee Tracy, Tom Brown, Tina Thayer