“Mark of the Avenger” (also known as “The Mysterious Rider”) is a 1938 western film directed by Lesley Selander and starring Douglass Dumbrille, Sidney Toler, and Robert Livingston. The movie is loosely based on the novel “The Mysterious Rider” by Zane Grey.
The story follows a small western town that is being terrorized by a gang of outlaws led by a mysterious figure known as “The Mysterious Rider.” The town’s sheriff is unable to stop the gang, and the townspeople begin to lose hope.
Into this situation comes a stranger named Jim Lassiter (Robert Livingston), who is searching for the person responsible for his sister’s death. He becomes convinced that The Mysterious Rider is responsible, and sets out to bring him to justice.
Along the way, Lassiter falls in love with Ellen (Veda Ann Borg), the daughter of a rancher who has been targeted by the outlaws. Lassiter must confront the gang and their leader in a final showdown to restore order to the town and avenge his sister’s death.
“Mark of the Avenger” is a classic western tale of good versus evil, with plenty of action, suspense, and romance to keep audiences engaged.
Lesley Selander
Maurice Geraghty, Zane Grey
Douglass Dumbrille, Sidney Toler, Russell Hayden