Unknown World (1951)

3/5 (1)

“Unknown World” is a science-fiction adventure film released in 1951, directed by Terry O. Morse, and produced by Edward L. Alperson. The story follows a team of scientists and experts who embark on a dangerous expedition to the Earth’s core to find a new energy source that could save humanity from an impending energy crisis.

The team includes Dr. Jeremiah Morley (Victor Kilian), a geologist; Professor Etienne Roget (Bruce Kellogg), a nuclear physicist; Dr. Max A. Bauer (Otto Waldis), a medical doctor; and Wright Thompson (Tom Handley), a businessman who is funding the mission.

The group drills a tunnel deep into the Earth’s crust using a new, experimental technology that allows them to withstand the extreme heat and pressure. After encountering various obstacles and setbacks, they finally reach the Earth’s core and discover a vast, underground world filled with strange creatures and glowing minerals.

As they explore this unknown world, they discover that the energy source they were looking for is not viable, but they stumble upon another discovery that could change the course of human history. However, they soon realize that they are not alone in this strange world, and they must fight for their survival against the dangerous creatures and forces that inhabit it.

The team faces various challenges and dangers during their expedition, and they must work together to overcome them and find a way back to the surface. “Unknown World” is an exciting adventure film that explores the limits of human knowledge and the dangers of exploration into the unknown.

Terry O. Morse

Millard Kaufman, Dalton Trumbo

Bruce Kellogg, Otto Waldis, Jim Bannon

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