Too Many Women (1942)

3/5 (1)

“Too Many Women” is a 1942 American comedy film directed by Bernard B. Ray and starring Neil Hamilton, June Lang, and Joyce Compton. The film revolves around a detective named Clive Reed (Neil Hamilton) who is hired to investigate the murder of a wealthy businessman. Reed’s investigation leads him to a hotel where he discovers that the victim had been involved with a number of women, all of whom have a motive for the crime.

As Reed interviews the various women, he finds himself drawn to a young woman named Nancy Lee (June Lang), who he believes is innocent of the crime. With Nancy’s help, Reed sets out to solve the case and bring the real killer to justice.

Throughout the film, Reed encounters a number of eccentric characters, including a dim-witted hotel clerk, a manipulative actress, and a nosy reporter. Despite the many obstacles in his way, Reed perseveres in his investigation, and ultimately manages to solve the case and clear Nancy’s name.

Overall, “Too Many Women” is a lighthearted and entertaining film that combines elements of comedy, mystery, and romance. It features a talented cast of actors and a well-crafted plot that keeps the audience guessing until the very end.

Bernard B. Ray

Eddie Davis

Neil Hamilton, June Lang, Joyce Compton

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