“Ghost-Town Gold” is a Western film from 1936, starring the Three Mesquiteers: Stony Brooke (played by Bob Livingston), Tucson Smith (played by Ray “Crash” Corrigan), and Lullaby Joslin (played by Max Terhune).
The film begins with the Mesquiteers discovering a young boy named Billy who has been left alone after his parents were killed by a gang of outlaws. The Mesquiteers take Billy under their wing and set out to find the outlaws responsible for his parents’ deaths.
Their search leads them to a ghost town called Mesa City, where they encounter a group of people who are being terrorized by the same gang of outlaws. The Mesquiteers decide to help the townspeople by posing as a traveling medicine show and using their skills to outsmart the outlaws.
As they work to uncover the outlaws’ plans, the Mesquiteers find themselves in a series of dangerous situations, including a shoot-out with the outlaws and a daring escape from a burning building.
In the end, the Mesquiteers are able to bring the outlaws to justice and restore peace to Mesa City. They also decide to adopt Billy and give him a new home with them on their ranch.
Joseph Kane
John Rathmell, Oliver Drake, Bernard McConville
Robert Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune