“The Girl Was Young” (also known as “Young and Innocent”) is a 1937 British thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based on the novel “A Shilling for Candles” by Josephine Tey. The film follows the story of Robert Tisdall, a man wrongly accused of murder, and Erica Burgoyne, a young girl who helps him clear his name.
The film opens with the murder of famous actress Christine Clay in a seaside town. Robert Tisdall (played by Nova Pilbeam) is the last person seen with her and is quickly suspected of the crime. While running from the police, Robert meets Erica Burgoyne (played by Pilbeam as well), a young girl who believes in his innocence and helps him evade the authorities.
Together, they set out to prove Robert’s innocence and uncover the true killer. As they investigate, they encounter a variety of suspects, including a jealous ex-husband, a mysterious woman in black, and a wealthy businessman with a dark secret. Along the way, they must navigate a series of perilous situations, including a daring escape from a crowded courtroom and a dramatic chase through the woods.
Ultimately, Robert and Erica are able to identify the real killer and clear Robert’s name. The film ends with the two of them walking off into the distance, happy and relieved to have put the ordeal behind them. “The Girl Was Young” is a suspenseful and engaging thriller that showcases Hitchcock’s trademark style and storytelling abilities.
Alfred Hitchcock
Josephine Tey, Charles Bennett, Edwin Greenwood
Nova Pilbeam, Derrick De Marney, Percy Marmont