“Sunset Range” is a Western movie from 1935 directed by Ray McCarey and produced by Columbia Pictures. The film stars Hoot Gibson, a popular cowboy actor of the time, as Tom Rigby, a ranch owner who tries to protect his land and cattle from a gang of rustlers.
The story begins with Tom Rigby and his friend, Sheriff Hank Fellows (Roger Williams), investigating a cattle theft on Rigby’s ranch. They soon realize that a group of outlaws led by Red Slavins (Wheeler Oakman) is behind the thefts. The gang is also planning to steal a valuable herd of cattle that belongs to Rigby’s neighbor, Jim Blake (George Chesebro).
Rigby and Fellows team up with Blake to prevent the rustlers from stealing the cattle. However, they face many obstacles and challenges along the way, including a fierce gunfight, a treacherous river crossing, and a dangerous pursuit through the mountains.
In the end, Rigby and his allies manage to overcome the rustlers and save the cattle. Rigby also learns that his foreman, Pete (Maston Williams), has been working with the rustlers and is forced to fire him.
“Sunset Range” is a typical Western movie from the 1930s, featuring all the classic elements of the genre, including cowboys, gunfights, and horseback chases. The film is notable for its stunning outdoor locations, which include the beautiful mountain landscapes of the Sierra Nevada.
Ray McCarey
Paul Schofield
Hoot Gibson, Mary Doran, James Eagles