“Lady Behave” is a 1937 romantic comedy film directed by Lloyd Corrigan and starring Sally Eilers, Neil Hamilton, and Joseph Calleia. The story revolves around a young woman named Susan Lane (Sally Eilers), who is tired of being an obedient daughter and decides to break free from her controlling father’s grip.
Susan decides to move out and live on her own in a cheap hotel in New York City. There, she meets a struggling artist named Tony (Neil Hamilton), who is also her neighbor in the hotel. The two quickly develop feelings for each other, but Susan’s father disapproves of Tony and tries to intervene.
In the meantime, Susan’s father hires a private detective named Sheehan (Joseph Calleia) to spy on his daughter and bring her back home. However, Sheehan also develops feelings for Susan and starts to sympathize with her situation.
As the story progresses, Tony’s art career takes off, and he becomes successful, which impresses Susan’s father. In the end, Susan and Tony reconcile with her father’s approval, and Sheehan finds love with another woman.
“Lady Behave” is a lighthearted and entertaining film that showcases the themes of independence, romance, and family values in a comedic way.
Lloyd Corrigan
Joseph Krumgold, Olive Cooper
Sally Eilers, Neil Hamilton, Joseph Schildkraut