“His First Flame” is a 1927 silent comedy film directed by Harry Edwards and starring popular comedian, Harry Langdon. The film follows Langdon’s character, August, a shy and socially awkward young man who is in love with a beautiful woman named Betty (Natalie Kingston).
August works at a department store where Betty is a customer. He is immediately smitten with her and tries to impress her with his clumsy attempts at flirting. However, Betty is uninterested and seems to prefer the attention of a wealthy and arrogant suitor, played by Vernon Dent.
Desperate to win Betty’s affection, August hatches a plan to make himself appear wealthy and successful. He pretends to be the owner of the department store and invites Betty and her friends to a lavish party at a mansion he has rented for the occasion.
The party quickly spirals out of control, with August struggling to keep up the pretense and maintain his elaborate charade. There are numerous hilarious mishaps and misunderstandings, including a scene in which August accidentally sets the mansion on fire.
Despite the chaos, Betty begins to see August in a new light and starts to develop feelings for him. In the end, August’s true identity is revealed, but Betty decides that she loves him for who he is and not his wealth or social status.
“His First Flame” is a charming and endearing comedy that showcases Harry Langdon’s unique style of physical humor and facial expressions. The film was a critical and commercial success, cementing Langdon’s reputation as one of the top comedians of the silent era.
Harry Edwards
Arthur Ripley, Frank Capra, Al Giebler
Harry Langdon, Natalie Kingston, Ruth Hiatt