Clipped Wings (1936)

3/5 (1)

“Clipped Wings” is a 1936 American drama film directed by Stuart Paton and starring Lloyd Hughes, Lois Wilson, and William Henry. The film tells the story of a group of pilots who are training for the National Air Races.

Hughes plays the lead role of Tom Gray, a talented pilot who is forced to quit flying after he suffers an injury during a competition. He takes a job as an aircraft mechanic and meets a young woman named Betty (Lois Wilson), who is also a pilot. The two fall in love, but their relationship is threatened by the jealousy of another pilot, Bob (William Henry).

The film features several exciting aerial scenes, as well as a romantic subplot and some dramatic moments. The story explores themes of perseverance, love, and competition, and is notable for its portrayal of the early days of aviation.

Overall, “Clipped Wings” is a well-crafted drama with solid performances from the cast. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of early aviation and the passion and determination of those who pursued their dreams of flight.

Stuart Paton

Paul Willett

Lloyd Hughes, Rosalind Keith, William Janney

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