City of Missing Girls (1941)

3/5 (1)

“City of Missing Girls” is a 1941 American crime drama film directed by Elmer Clifton and starring H.B. Warner, Astrid Allwyn, and John Archer. The story follows a police detective named Johnny Mack Brown (played by John Archer) who is tasked with investigating a string of disappearances of young women in a big city. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a complex web of corruption and organized crime involving a powerful gangster named Scarface, who is linked to the abductions. Brown must use all his skills and wits to outsmart Scarface and his henchmen and rescue the missing girls before it’s too late. The film was produced by Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC) and released by United Artists.

Elmer Clifton

Oliver Drake, George Rosener

H.B. Warner, Astrid Allwyn, John Archer

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