“Bulldog Drummond’s Revenge” is a 1937 mystery film directed by Louis King and starring John Barrymore, John Howard, and Louise Campbell. The film is part of a series of movies based on the popular British detective character Bulldog Drummond, created by H.C. McNeile.
In this installment, Drummond (Howard) is called upon to investigate a series of burglaries and murders that appear to be connected to a criminal mastermind known only as “The Voice.” As he delves deeper into the case, Drummond discovers that The Voice has a personal vendetta against him and is determined to destroy him.
With the help of his faithful friend Algy (Reginald Denny), Drummond sets out to catch The Voice and clear his own name. Along the way, they encounter a variety of obstacles and challenges, including corrupt police officers and dangerous criminal associates.
“Bulldog Drummond’s Revenge” is known for its suspenseful atmosphere and intricate plot, as well as the dynamic performances of its cast. The film was one of several in the Bulldog Drummond series, which was popular during the 1930s and 1940s for its fast-paced action and charismatic leading man.
Louis King
Edward T. Lowe Jr., Herman C. McNeile
John Barrymore, John Howard, Louise Campbell