Boy! What a Girl! (1946)

3/5 (1)

“Boy! What a Girl!” is a 1946 musical comedy film directed by Arthur Dreifuss. The film stars Tim Moore as a porter named Sam, and former chorus girl, Lucille Ball, as a dancer named Terry. The film also features The Peters Sisters, a singing and dancing trio, and various other performers.

The plot of the film revolves around Sam’s attempts to help Terry achieve her dream of becoming a Broadway star. Terry is working as a taxi dancer at a local nightclub, but she dreams of bigger and better things. Sam, who is also an aspiring songwriter, sees potential in Terry and decides to help her by writing a song for her and getting her an audition with a Broadway producer.

Despite various setbacks and misunderstandings, including a case of mistaken identity that results in Sam being taken for a gangster, Sam and Terry eventually succeed in their mission. Terry impresses the Broadway producer with her singing and dancing skills, and Sam’s song is picked up for the show.

The film features several musical numbers, including a lively tap dance routine by Ball, and several performances by The Peters Sisters. The film is a light-hearted and entertaining romp that showcases the talents of its stars and provides a glimpse into the world of 1940s show business.

Arthur H. Leonard

Vincent Valentini

Tim Moore, Elwood Smith, Duke Williams

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