“Black Dragons” is a 1942 American thriller film directed by William Nigh. The film tells the story of a group of Japanese spies, known as the “Black Dragons,” who arrive in the United States with a mission to disrupt American war efforts during World War II.
The film’s protagonist is a successful businessman named Mr. Moto (played by Peter Lorre), who is actually a Japanese secret agent. Moto becomes involved in the Black Dragons’ plot when he is framed for the murder of an American industrialist who was cooperating with the Japanese.
As Moto investigates the murder and the Black Dragons’ activities, he must navigate a web of intrigue and danger, including assassination attempts and bombings. Moto eventually discovers that the Black Dragons’ ultimate goal is to steal plans for a new American aircraft carrier.
In a tense finale, Moto and the FBI work together to prevent the Black Dragons from carrying out their plan and bring the spies to justice.
“Black Dragons” was produced during a time when there was a great deal of fear and suspicion about the activities of Japanese spies in the United States. The film reflects this anxiety, portraying the Japanese as ruthless and cunning enemies who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Despite its dated portrayal of the Japanese, the film remains a thrilling and suspenseful example of wartime propaganda cinema.
William Nigh
Harvey Gates, Robert Kehoe
Bela Lugosi, Joan Barclay, George Pembroke