“Betty Boop: A Song a Day” is a 1936 animated short film featuring the iconic cartoon character, Betty Boop. The film follows Betty as she performs a different song each day of the week, accompanied by various musical instruments and animal characters.
The film begins with Betty singing the classic tune “Monday Morning” while playing the piano. On Tuesday, she sings a jazzy number called “Isn’t It Swell?” while accompanied by a group of dancing animals. Wednesday brings the whimsical “Let’s Pretend We’re Sweethearts,” with Betty and a puppy playing dress-up. Thursday’s song, “You’re Not Built That Way,” features Betty and a group of male animal characters in a fun musical number. Friday’s song, “You Try Somebody Else,” sees Betty singing to a group of heartbroken animal characters. Saturday brings the catchy “Do Something,” with Betty and her animal friends getting up to all sorts of musical mischief. Finally, Sunday’s song is the sweet and romantic “Love on a Budget,” with Betty and her beau, Bimbo, enjoying a picnic.
Throughout the film, Betty’s dynamic personality and impressive vocal range are on full display, as she effortlessly moves from one musical style to another. The animation is also notable for its lively and colorful style, with the animal characters providing a fun and playful backdrop for Betty’s performances.
Overall, “Betty Boop: A Song a Day” is a charming and entertaining short film that showcases the talents of one of animation’s most beloved characters. Its catchy songs, lively animation, and memorable characters make it a classic example of the Golden Age of animation.
Dave Fleischer, Dave Tendlar
Dave Fleischer, Izzy Sparber
Everett Clark, Jack Mercer, Mae Questel