“Becky Sharp” is a 1935 British film directed by Rouben Mamoulian and starring Miriam Hopkins, Frances Dee, and Cedric Hardwicke. The movie is based on the novel “Vanity Fair” by William Makepeace Thackeray, which tells the story of a poor girl named Becky Sharp who tries to climb the social ladder by any means necessary.
The movie follows Becky Sharp, a young woman who lives in a society where money and status are the keys to success. She is determined to rise above her humble origins and become a member of the wealthy elite. Becky’s first opportunity comes when she is hired as a governess for Sir Pitt Crawley’s children. While working for Sir Pitt, Becky meets his two sons, Rawdon and Pitt Jr., and quickly sets her sights on Rawdon, a handsome but poor military officer.
Becky and Rawdon elope, but their marriage is not accepted by Rawdon’s family. Despite this setback, Becky continues to pursue her dreams of wealth and status. She becomes the mistress of the wealthy Marquess of Steyne, who provides her with everything she desires. However, her association with the Marquess leads to her downfall when he dies suddenly, leaving her with nothing.
In the end, Becky is left with nothing but her beauty and charm, but she refuses to give up. She uses her wits and cunning to start over again, determined to succeed at any cost. The movie ends with Becky walking off into the sunset, ready to take on whatever challenges lie ahead.
Overall, “Becky Sharp” is a captivating and entertaining movie that showcases the talents of its cast and director. It explores the themes of ambition, social climbing, and the corrupting influence of wealth and power.
Rouben Mamoulian
William Makepeace Thackeray, Francis Edward Faragoh, Langdon Mitchell
Miriam Hopkins, Frances Dee, Cedric Hardwicke